Carl-Cloos-Strasse 1
35708 Haiger
Central warehouse:
Carl-Cloos-Strasse 6
35708 Haiger
Tel.: +49 (0)2773/85-0
Stephan Pittner (CEO)
Registered in the Commercial Registry of Wetzlar - Register No. HRB 3052.
VAT Reg. No.: DE 111 79 45 11
The CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH website has been created with the greatest possible care and diligence, and is checked regularly. Nevertheless, the data provided are non-binding and solely for general informational purposes; they are not intended to replace detailed, individualised pre-sales consultation. CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH accepts no responsibility for the currency, accuracy, completeness and/or quality of the information in these pages.
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This website is provided "as is" and might be subject to expansions, amendments and up-dates. Although CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH makes high efforts to provide accurate and up-to-date information to the public, CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or topicality of the content of the site and assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or possible obsolescence. In particular, CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH is not responsible for the content of any site you may link to from this site. Further, CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH assumes no responsibility for any damages, data losses or viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property due to access, use or downloading of contents from this site.
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